This evening, H.H. Pope Tawadros II resumed the weekly Wednesday meeting, after it stopped at the end of the Holy Forty Days of Lent. The meeting was held in St. Mark’s Cathedral in Alexandria, which was filled with attendees from members of the church. Before the start of the vesper prayers, His Holiness visited the International Book Fair, which is held annually in the courtyard of St. Mark’s Cathedral, as well as an employment forum for youth and graduates, organized by the leaders of the youth service in Alexandria.
His Holiness prayed the raising of incense of vespers, with the participation of the General Bishops supervising the pastoral sectors of Alexandria, Hegumen Abraam Emil (Deputy General of the Patriarchate in Alexandria), and a large number of priests from Alexandria.
Pope Tawadros listened to a number of distinguished students’ projects, including a railway development project and a waste separation machine project. He then honored 44 of the top university students and 26 of those who obtained postgraduate degrees.
His Holiness delivered the sermon, congratulating the people of the church on the beginning of the fast of the Apostolic Fathers, and thanked the hosts of the honoring ceremony, congratulating the achievers.
Pope Tawadros explained the importance of the Apostles’ Fast as it is a fast of service. He indicated that he would begin a new educational series entitled “Qualifications for Service,” noting that it would extend beyond the end of the Apostles’ Fast.
In today’s sermon, His Holiness discussed the first qualification for service, which is “washing of the feet.” Pope Tawadros reflected on the verse: “Rose from supper and laid aside His garments, took a towel and girded Himself. After that, He poured water into a basin and began to wash the disciples’ feet, and to wipe them with the towel with which He was girded” (John 13:4-5).
He explained that the importance of this qualification is summarized in the details involved in washing of the feet, which are:
1- Love
2- Taking off clothes
3- Humility
4- Wisdom
5- Purity
Benefits of washing of the feet:
• We will be His disciples
• We will be in fellowship with Him
• We will win others
At the end of the sermon, His Holiness thanked Dr. Ashraf Sobhi, Minister of Youth and Sports, and Dr. Nevin Al-Kilani, Minister of Culture, for their follow-up in the organization of the book fair and youth employment forum in Alexandria..
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