Today (Tuesday), H.H. Pope Tawadros II met with the priests, and male and female servants of our churches in the Gulf countries (UAE – Oman – Bahrain – Qatar).
The meeting, which was held in the Anba Reweis Theatre in the St. Mark’s Cathedral; Abbasiya, began with an opening prayer. This was followed by a speech from His Grace Anba Yolyous (General Bishop of Old Cairo and the Bishopric of Services, and Supervisor of these Gulf area churches) in which he thanked His Holiness for his constant keenness to meet with the priests and servants of the churches of this Gulf region, and his follow up on the matters of their service to the members of the Coptic Church residing there.
Pope Tawadros began his speech by welcoming his children; the priests, male and female servants, and expressing his happiness at the interest of the Gulf priests and their families in holding their annual conference on a regular basis in Egypt, which strongly supports their connection to the Mother Church.
His Holiness then addressed a topic titled “Our Beautiful Church” through the following points:
-The Church and its meaning.
-The Church and time.
-The Church and its pillars.
-The Church and its role.
-The Church and virtue.
After the talk, Pope Tawadros answered questions from the audience, then distributed souvenirs to them.
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