At the end of his sermon during the weekly Wednesday meeting held today at St Bishoy’s Church in Zahraa El Maadi, H.H. Pope Tawadros II spoke about specific details regarding the service in the Mokattam churches sector, which falls under His Holiness’ diocese.
His Holiness said that the service in Mokattam has blessed priests, and the people of Mokattam are also blessed. He fondly remembered Father Samaan, who started the service in the area over fifty years ago, along with the other priests in the region, who are committed to preserving their Coptic Orthodox Church.
Pope Tawadros highlighted that the Church includes metropolitans and diocesan bishops, as well as general bishops whose primary role is to assist the Pope in his diocese, given its vast size, as this diocese covers Cairo, Alexandria, and other areas outside Egypt. He added that in Alexandria, there are three general bishops, while in Cairo, there are twelve general bishops assisting His Holiness. Accordingly, the appointment of a general bishop is decided by the Pope and naturally does not require endorsement from the people.
His Holiness explained that the general bishop’s service could change from one place to another or he could go to the monastery, because his field of work is broad and diverse.
Pope Tawadros returned to talking about the Mokattam sector and said that H.G. Bishop Abanoub spent more than ten years there, during which some weaknesses and disagreements appeared between him and the priests. I sat with him a lot and advised him many times, and we formed several committees to help him in his work there. These committees are still working until now but His Grace’s response was not suitable.
His Holiness continued: “Recently, some violations have emerged from H.G. Bishop Abanoub, and it is not appropriate to talk about them here. He was investigated, and at the end of this investigation he submitted his resignation, without coercion, and no pressures was exerted on him. Rather, he said that he preferred to live the life of the cave and solitude.” He wrote this resignation in his own handwriting, and his reasons included: “Because of my health conditions.” He chose to return to his monastery without being forced by anyone at all.
Pope Tawadros highlighted: “His resignation is currently under consideration, as I must meet with the fathers of Mokattam for further consultation.” He stressed: “With all certainty, we are working for the benefit of the people and the service, and we offer this work to God first, with a pure conscience before Him.”
His Holiness described what was published on some social media pages regarding this issue as lies, saying: “The social media sites regarding this issue were filled with many stories and lies, including, for example, that the resignation was forced, which did not happen at all. It was also said that there are five people with non-Orthodox tendencies who will be ordained priests, which is completely far from the truth, as there is no talk of such an ordination. The third lie that was told was that there were arrangements to hold a global day of prayer in Mokattam, and also that there was no thought being given to anything like that.”
His Holiness warned his children: “Please be careful of the pages of chaos and darkness, because their goal is to divide the Church. Take care and be wise. Do not participate in transmitting such rumors, lies, and corrupt ideas that they repeat.”
Pope Tawadros affirmed: “The owner of the Church is Christ, and we are all servants in His hand. What governs us is honesty (honesty of work).”
His Holiness clarified again: “The general bishop’s ordination is not based on recommendation of the congregation, but rather it is our choice with the purpose of him being assigned specific roles. There may be a deficiency in the performance of these, leading to the ending of this responsibility.”
His Holiness warned the members of the Church: “Please do not listen to the lies. The Church is fine, God’s work will continue, faithful servants are many, and service needs wisdom, reason, vision, and calmness in order to be completed in all peace and goodness.”
Pope Tawadros stressed that social media is not the appropriate place to put forward requests regarding the Church, and that for any person who has a request: “Our doors are open, my door is open, and all fathers are likewise open to anyone who wants to present a vision or opinion, instead of the method chaos, and acting recklessly.” His Holiness stressed to all his children: “Be careful not to commit a sin whose consequences will affect you, your home, your work, and your life in general!”
His Holiness concluded his speech: “In all our affairs, even in the face of these tribulations that we face, we raise our hearts to God and ask Him, saying: ‘Lord, remember Your work, guard it, and bless it, and be with us. Protect Your Church, our land, and the safety of our lives.”
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