Today (Saturday), H.H. Pope Tawadros II consecrated the Church of Saint Mary on Masara Street, in the southern Shoubra churches sector, in Cairo. This is to celebrate its 100th anniversary, after it underwent renovations. The church used the verse of Malachi 3:12 (“And all nations will call you blessed, for you will be a delightful land,” says the Lord of hosts) as a slogan for its centenary celebration. It also placed the hashtag “100 Years of Masara” on all social media platforms.
Sixteen of the Church bishops, the Deputy General of the Patriarchate in Cairo, and a large number of priests and monks participated in the consecration prayers and the Liturgy that followed.
His Grace Bishop Makary; the General Bishop of the churches of the southern Shoubra sector, the metropolitans, bishops, and church priests received Pope Tawadros at the outer door, and the scout team played music to welcome His Holiness.
His Holiness unveiled the commemorative plaque that marks the consecration of the church, and blessed it in the name of the Holy Trinity. Photos of H.H. Pope Tawadros were taken in front of the plaque, and next to him was H.G. Bishop Makary, the bishops, the church priests and council members. A boy and girl presented two bouquets of flowers to His Holiness, who received them cordially and warmly, and encouraged them.
Then the procession of His Holiness entered the church, led by the choir of deacons, singing the melodies of welcoming the patriarch. This was amid great happiness and welcome from the congregation of the church for Pope Tawadros, as ululations rose throughout the church in joy at the arrival of the father and shepherd.
The main altar was consecrated in the name of Virgin Mary. The other two altars were consecrated in the name of Saint George, and Saint Mina the Wonderworker. The icon of the Pantocrator in the Eastern niche was also consecrated, as well as the icons of the iconistasis.
His Holiness, the metropolitans and bishops signed the document for the consecration of the church.
In a brief speech following the consecration, Pope Tawadros congratulated everyone on the occasion of the church’s centennial jubilee. He praised the church’s history, its service, and the renovations that added a beautiful touch to it. He pointed out that it is the first church to be built in the entire Shoubra district, and that it was called the “Jubilee Church” because its construction in 1924 coincided with the golden jubilee of the ordination of Pope Kyrillos V, the 112th Patriarch, who was ordained in 1874, thus earning this title. His Holiness also noted that this is the first time the church has been consecrated despite its long existence (100 years).
Pope Tawadros thanked H.H. Bishop Makary, the priests, council, archons, deacons, servants, and congregation of the church for their efforts in the great work carried out, resulting in the church’s magnificent appearance.
His Holiness then spoke in his sermon about joy and addressed the topic of the path to joy through three steps
1. Asking with faith:
• Faith conquers fear (e.g: David and Goliath).
• Deepen your request, and with faith, you will receive what you desire.
2. Receiving with patience:
• Like a seed planted in the ground, we reap fruit with patience; similarly, a child forms in its mother’s womb over nine months.
• Augustine transformed from a life of sin to a life of holiness through prayers and patience (“The son of these tears will not perish”). Likewise, Saul of Tarsus and Elizabeth, who gave birth after she and her husband, Zechariah, had grown old.
3. We will have complete joy:
• We rejoice in the presence of Christ within us and that we bear His name.
• We rejoice in the fruitful Church that cares for its people.
• We rejoice in our Church because, throughout its long history, it has become like a mountain, and no matter what difficulties it goes through, it will remain firm like a mountain.
H.G. Bishop Makary delivered a speech in which he thanked H.H. Pope Tawadros, stressing that the visit of the patriarch to a church brings it joy. His Grace congratulated Pope Tawadros on his birthday (4th November 1952), the anniversary of the altar lot (4th November 2012) and the anniversary of his sitting on the chair of Saint Mark (18th of November 2012). He praised the history of service in Saint Mary’s Church in Masara, from which many servants graduated and served throughout the See of Saint Mark.
The fathers of the Church presented a gift to His Holiness, which was a copy of the oldest icon; “The Theotokos” in the church. Pope Tawadros also presented gifts to the officials who attended the Liturgy to congratulate him.
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