This evening (Monday), President AbdelFattah Al-Sisi visited the Cathedral of the Nativity of Christ in the New Administrative Capital to extend his greetings to His Holiness Pope Tawadros II and all Egyptian Christians for the Glorious Feast of Nativity. This cathedral is where His Holiness was leading the Nativity Feast Liturgy.
Pope Tawadros, along with metropolitans, bishops and priests welcomed His Excellency President Sisi at the main entrance of the grand church where prayers were being held. The president then proceeded inside the church, receiving a warm welcome from the worshippers who expressed their joy for their president who is keen to annually attend in order to join their celebration and extend his greetings. The president, in turn, greeted them warmly and shook hands with many of the worshippers as he walked through the church’s main aisle.
In his address, President Sisi conveyed his greetings to the attendees and all Egyptians on the occasion of the Glorious Feast of Nativity, saying: “Happy holidays to you all. May His Holiness the Pope remain well and safe, and may we all, God willing, continue to be well and safe.”
He added: “I am closely monitoring all matters, including all reactions and concerns, which may be understandable and legitimate.” He noted that similar concerns were present in past years as well.
The president emphasized that God is present and that nothing in this world happens without His will. He stressed that the love of Egyptians for one another is a strength that protects them, adding that the reservoir of love among Egyptians grows stronger day by day.
President Sisi affirmed the high level of awareness and understanding among Egyptians, which enables them to grasp the realities of situations and be prepared to handle any challenges, whether domestically or internationally.
He stated: “As a state, and as someone responsible for you, I have always dealt with matters with honor, integrity, and fairness. We have not tainted our hands with anyone’s blood, nor taken people’s money unjustly.”
The president concluded by reiterating the special place held by Pope Tawadros, saying: “His Holiness the Pope holds a special place in my heart and great respect. May God protect him, and protect all of you.”
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