Today (Saturday), at the Papal Headquarters in Cairo, H.H. Pope Tawadros II received members of the Church delegation participating in the enthronement of the new Patriarch of Eritrea; Abune Basilios. This meeting took place prior to their departure today to Asmara, the capital of Eritrea.
The delegation consists of H.E. Metropolitan Antonious (Metropolitan of the Jerusalem See and the Near East), H.E. Metropolitan Markos (Metropolitan of Shoubra El-Kheima), H.G. Metropolitan Bemen (Metropolitan of Naqada and Qus), H.G. Bishop Yoannis (Bishop of Asyuit) and H.G. Bishop Markos, (Bishop of Damietta and Kafr El-Sheikh).
The elections held on December 9th resulted in the victory of His Eminence Metropolitan Abune Basilios as the new patriarch, making him the sixth patriarch of this sister Church.
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