Eyon Misr is a chain of schools, child creativity centers and educational enhancement programs to develop students into good effective citizens, thinkers, innovators, and leaders, who can coexist and collaborate in a diverse world. The Coptic Church embarked on an ambitious initiative to build schools in Egypt, as well as extending its hand to support …
Jesus Christ offered healing to all. The Coptic Church is committed to supporting health care provision in Egypt for all. The need for enhanced health care provision cannot be over – emphasized. Health is one of the fundamental human capabilities. The POP has a clear vision in its support of health care provision in Egypt. …
Rakoty Program Rakoty Program Rakoty Program Coptic Identity and the institutional support of the Church Since its apostolic foundation by St. Mark in the first century, the Coptic Church has had a unique and rich historical trajectory. Its contribution to early Christianity includes the strong role played by the Catechetical School of Alexandria, the oldest …
The past years have been quite eventful in Egypt, with serious economic developments in the country. The POP supported the Egyptian community in its response to a number of emergent needs facing Egypt during this period. The response of the POP varied according to the context with a large array of activities. Further since 2020 …