The Coptic Orthodox Church, headed by His Holiness Pope Tawadros II, expresses its rejection and denunciation of the events currently taking place between the Pal.esti.nian and Isr.aeli sides, which have led and are leading – with all regret – to the of hundreds of lives and the inj.ury of thousands, including many innocent civilians.
We affirm that vio.lence only results in similar vio.lence and more ki.lling and ruction, so we call on all parties to resort to reason and resort to the language of dialogue and negotiation, in order to save blo.od and preserve human life, which is more important and valuable than other values and goals.
The Church commends the efforts to calm the situation undertaken by the Egyptian state between the two parties to the conflict to reach a political solution that preserves the rights of the Pal.esti.nian people and achieves the desired peace.
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