Throughout the day, H.H. Pope Tawadros II held two meetings at the Papal Residence in Cairo, with the aim of checking on the conditions of his Sudanese children who came to Egypt due to the tense conditions in Sudan.
H.H. received a number of priest from the dioceses of Khartoum and Omdurman, and was reassured by them about their conditions and the conditions of our Sudanese families in Egypt. H.H. answered their questions and inquiries in a fatherly spirit, and the fathers thanked His Holiness for his love and care for them and for the Sudanese families in Egypt.
H.H. then received a number of servants of the Bishopric of Public and Social Services, and a number of Sudanese servants. H.H. commended their efforts and encouraged them to continue their work and make more efforts to achieve comfort for Sudanese families.
The meetings were attended by H.G. Bishop Yolios, General Bishop of Old Cairo and Bishop of Public, Ecumenical, Social Services and Father Rafaeel Tharwat, Deputy Bishop of Services.
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